Many people experience myopia, a condition that is getting higher. This is because people are now indoors and don’t spend much time outside. Since the treatments are now advanced, they help on how to treat myopia. The ortho k lenses Singapore is one treatment that can manage myopia effectively and safely. The best thing about this treatment is that you can use the lenses overnight as they gently pressure your cornea to correct the error. It helps slow myopia progression and lessens the need to wear contacts or eyeglasses daily.

See without using corrective lenses

Sometimes, people think about getting LASIK treatment without using corrective lenses. But you can get the same results with orthokeratology. Many people have 20/20 vision utilizing this therapy, while others end up with 20/40 vision, the minimum vision required for driving without corrective lenses.

Controls myopia

Getting an ortho k can help to control your myopia, especially for children. Myopia can worsen while the child grows older. A higher myopia level sometimes increases the risk of eye problems. It shows that it can slow the myopia progression by up to 50% through ortho k lenses. When you compare it to traditional treatment, it can only correct any refractive errors. But ortho k helps lessen the need to use a higher prescription.

Ortho-K Lenses in Singapore: Transforming Vision Correction for a Clearer  Tomorrow - PEOPLE'S OPTICS

Improves your vision

People who wear orthokeratology will experience a clear vision all day. The lenses help reshape your cornea overnight and help light focus on the retina to lessen the refractive error. You can do your daily activities without using your prescription contacts or glasses. Using the ortho k lenses is best for people with an active lifestyle. They usually find wearing contacts and glasses to be awkward. The lenses help to enhance your peripheral vision when playing sports and driving.

Comfortable treatment

Sometimes, you may have heard that removing contact lenses is uncomfortable, which is true during the day. However, you don’t have to experience this with orthokeratology. You can only wear the lenses at night when you will not even notice them in your eyes.

Fast correction

Orthokeratology will give you fast results when you are excited about going without glasses or contact lenses and would like that to happen sooner rather than later. Some people ditch their corrective lenses after a single night of treatment. When you have a strong prescription, achieving good results will take a few weeks, but it is still considered a fast treatment.

Ortho k helps control mild to severe nearsightedness. It’s also ideal for people who need to be qualified for treatments like Lasik surgery.